Tag: integrity

We were driving home from church with the kids in the backseat when I posed a question: Hey kids, what is our family’s core value?

I suppose a ship should know its destination before it sets sail, but as a 20-something, I just sort of got in the boat, had kids and hoped for the best.

My pastor preached a mighty powerful ... Read More

When I was in kindergarten, we had a whole lesson about what to do when you find a lost wallet. We acted out make-believe scenarios in which one of us would be the person who drops the wallet, one would be the person who finds it and another would be the officer at the police station. Funny, we never talked ... Read More

Have you seen it? Have you seen the video from the marketing agency in Canada asking its citizens to tell America why it’s great? I thought it had to be a sham. My normally trusting nature became skeptical. Then I watched the video. I looked into the eyes of those Canadians, and I thought, “They like us! They really like ... Read More