When people who want to write a book or start a blog come to me for advice, I always tell them the same thing: sit down.

Sit down at your computer or sit down with your favorite notebook, even when you have nothing to say.

Just sit down and wait.

I tell them to give themselves 15 minutes of quiet to see what pops into their heads and then just start writing. Don’t worry about what it looks like or sounds like or who the audience might be. Spelling and grammar and niche markets can all come later. The first step is to get what’s in your heart and in your head down in black and white.

Now, I’m no writing instructor. As far as my memory holds, I’ve never been asked to teach a classroom full of eager participants how to write or become a writer. So you know, if you’re actually going to pen your thoughts for public consumption, remember I’m not an expert.

I’m just a lady who loves to remind people they are important. And since people are important, so are their stories. Instead of thinking about thinking about writing, I like to encourage people to just do it.

Someone somewhere is waiting for you to be brave enough to share your words.

So all that said, here I am, a writer on a Monday morning with nothing to say. It’s my blog day so I’m supposed to create clever or meaningful material, yet my mind is blank.

I’ve taken my advice and sat in the quiet for 15 minutes. I’ve savored my coffee and asked it to give me clarity of mind. My favorite practice is to ask God, “What do you want me to tell them?” Today He responded with, “Tell them I love them.” I told God He always tells me to tell them that. I was hoping for some original material, but He apparently wants me to stick with the main point.

I think though, that one of you has something on your heart. A longing to bring more healing to the world through your clever wit, gentle insightfulness or raw vulnerability. So even though this feels to me like I’m writing about nothing, I might actually be saying something you need to hear.

Take your 15 minutes today. If it ends there, no worries. If it turns into an hour and a half, yay! But please don’t let fear hold back your words. Someone needs them.

And remember, God loves you.