I won’t be able to vacuum for 8 weeks. See? This breast cancer stuff has some real benefits!
I had my pre-op appointment at THE JAMES yesterday and learned all about the procedure and the recovery. Basically, Saul and I will arrive at the hospital on April 26th at 9am, the surgery will begin at 11:30, it’ll be done by 2:30, I’ll come back to my senses by 4:30, and then if I’m not vomiting uncontrollably, Saul can drive me home and tuck me into my own bed by 7pm.
It all sounds pretty routine, except to the person who is being operated on. Yesterday, at the clinic, we were reviewing this process when Saul mentioned to the doctor’s assistant that I don’t handle euthanasia well. WHAT?! Who does??
Everyone looked a touch confused until I busted out laughing. “He means I don’t handle anesthesia well.” Yikes! Let’s not confuse those two things, people! Good thing Saul’s not in charge of dispensing the meds…
I have a long list of DON’Ts after the surgery: don’t lift anything heavier than 5 pounds for 3 weeks, don’t lift arms above shoulders for 3 weeks, don’t swim or take a bath for 6 weeks, and don’t exercise or vacuum for 8 weeks.
As I look at that DON’T list, I can’t help but be excited about all the unspoken DOs: Do snuggle your kids, do read a good book, do catch up with friends on the phone, do allow your husband to refill your water cup and kiss your forehead. I’m looking forward to the surgery because I can’t wait for the recovery!