I’ve been praying for years that God will help me develop more patience. Can I just say, be careful what you wish for? It has occurred to me that God is developing my muscle of patience by actually forcing me to flex that particular muscle. He apparently wants me to be an active participant in my growth, although I’ve told Him many times that I’d be happy to have Him just insert the “Patience” chip while I’m asleep.
Everyday I’m one day closer to the mastectomy and getting this cancer out of me, but everyday still holds a 24 hour training session in patience. I’m on edge, and not all that patient with the poor people who happen to cross my path– mainly my family. And when I’m not patient, I’m not very kind.
If I lived by myself and had no responsibilities, I could curl up on the couch in front of the TV and sit there for the next 552 hours, but how much fun would that be?
So instead, I’m going embrace the Patience Training Program knowing I am indeed making progress even though I can’t see the payoff yet. Hopefully, tomorrow I will be kinder… and more patient… than I am today. But isn’t that really the goal for each of us?
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12