My daughter’s class is participating in a project to let our soldiers know how much their efforts mean to us back here in the States. I want to share her letter with you. I hope it will remind you, like it reminded me, that God’s plan is bigger than any of us could imagine, but it takes the faith of a child to see it.

Dear USA Soldier,

My name is Jordan. I’m a fourth grader at Longfellow Elementary in Fargo, North Dakota. I’m so thankful that you had the courage to fight for our country’s rights and lives. I hope that this letter makes you smile. God has sent you overseas for a reason. Maybe it’s to save our country, but I think it’s more extraordinary. Maybe he’s just training you. Maybe you’ll become a ninja!

I will pray for you and your family. You are strong and smart. You can do anything you put your mind to. Nothing can stop you! Life may seem sad or happy, but never, ever, EVER give up. You have eternal life in heaven ahead of you! Be excited!

Thank you for fighting for our country. God bless you. -Jordan