I should be stripped of my crown; the badge revoked; dishonorably discharged from the ministry of kindness. I blew it.

Yesterday was World Kindness Day and I completely forgot that meant we were all supposed to do something kind to spread love and goodwill throughout our world.


Funny that I forgot since first thing in the morning, I got a greeting card in my email. It was one of those adorable sing-song animated ones with a dog holding a huge bouquet of flowers. It said, “On World Kindness Day… Here’s wishing you a day as special as you are to me!”

Then, a few hours later, a different friend sent me a Random Acts of Kindness calendar you can do with your kids.

I loved and appreciated those gestures, but it wasn’t until 6:30 last night that it occurred to me that World Kindness Day isn’t a special holiday for me to receive kindness, it’s meant to remind me to give kindness.

Oh… you meant me?! I should be kind? Can I get a redo?

Luckily, my daughter was in the car when I began lamenting on my lack of thoughtfulness. She got very quiet. I could tell she was thinking. Unfortunately, she was coming up blank too. Finally, she said, “Well Mom, you did tell that woman that you liked her new haircut.”

AHA! There it is! Kindness!

Well, sort of.

Did you happen to forget World Kindness Day yesterday, too?

If so, would it be okay if we make a vow to each other right here and now? Let’s promise that today we will reach out of our busyness and give something to someone: a smile for a difficult person we’d rather not smile at, a listening ear even though we’re in a rush, or maybe a cup of coffee for the guy in line behind us.

I’m going to start by giving you a link. This will take you to the website of another woman who loves kindness. She’s got all kinds of free printable things for you, like calendars, reward coupons and encouraging lunch notes. If you’ve got kids, you’ll especially love this stuff.

We can’t be all things to all people, but today, the day after World Kindness Day, let’s vow to be to kind to each other.