Author: nicole

I’ve spent a lot of time this past week thinking about how much I love Fargo.

Sure, it’s cold. And windy. And snowy. But the love that I have for Fargo lies in the heart of its people.

My work, gym, stores and church are all filled with people who greet me with sincere smiles. Even the people I don’t know seem ... Read More

Have you ever found yourself in a situation that you know calls for thoughtfulness, but you truly don’t know which act of kindness could even make a difference?

Last Saturday, I pulled the bright orange plastic bag off The Forum to see a headline announcing that a Duluth man had died in a plane crash.

As I was finalizing a grocery list ... Read More

What would you die for? Is there anything or anyone on this earth that is that important to you?

I can go through a laundry list of things I’m grateful for, but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, there are three people for whom I would give my life.

I would die for my children. I truly feel that way. I ... Read More

My kids spend so much time at school that I often feel like their teachers have a better idea of their strengths and interests than I do.

In an effort to extinguish my mom guilt, every day I ask my kids three questions that give me a pretty good idea of how the day went.

1. What was your “glad” today? (In ... Read More

There is an incredible movement of kindness happening at Fargo’s Ben Franklin Middle School. I don’t know the exact process of the evolution, but it seems to go something like this.


First, there was a principal named John Nelson who reminded the students every day of his personal philosophy: The school is a family, and everyone who sets foot in the ... Read More

I am privileged. Every night I get to go to sleep in a soft bed, and every morning I get to wake up in a warm house.

I’m starting to understand that even though that is the normal for me, it is considered an incredible privilege by many in our community.

Several hundred people in the Fargo-Moorhead area rely on groups like ... Read More

Kari Werlinger found a camera memory card containing this photo seven years ago. She’s trying to find the owner.


Every time I look at my kids, I wonder how they got so big so fast. I’ve started to cherish photos that made me want to scream when they were taken. You know, the ones with the goofy smile or the tongue ... Read More

I would like to start a new service in Fargo to rent grandparents. You can hire a babysitter or a person to clean your home, so why can’t you hire someone to come over and love your kids?


My kids adore their grandparents, but being in Fargo means we don’t get to see them very often, especially in the winter when ... Read More

I’d like to share a story I heard a long time ago and recently found again online.

“This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that ... Read More

“If the darkest hour comes before the light, where is the light? Where is the light? Where is the light?”

Those words are from the song “Ave Mary A” by Pink. I’ve listened to that song for years, and yet this week, I felt like I heard it for the first time.

I was thinking about the community of West Fargo and ... Read More