Author: nicole

As our world gets smaller through the Internet, cable TV and free long-distance phone calls, I think it’s also getting bigger and more disconnected.

We can say things – mean, hurtful things –without having to look a person in the eye. We can voice our opinions and send them off into cyber-space without any ramifications. We can spend our entire day ... Read More

Imagine someone saying, “I’ll pay off your credit card bill for you. And while I’m at it, I’ll pay off your credit card bill every month for the rest of your life.” That would be the deal of a lifetime!

That is exactly what God offers us if we agree to follow His Son. He will forgive us for every sin ... Read More

I think healing comes when you are able to see how your pain was the fertilizer that allowed you to grow and blossom into the beautiful creation you are today.


I used to be a heavy drinker. I know all about Just One More. That’s why I was so struck by those words at Bible Study Fellowship this week. I have said to God many times, please, give me just one more…

Miracle. Then I’ll believe.
Sign. Then I’ll know you love me.
Sin. Then I’ll obey you.
Day. Then I’ll ... Read More

I want to share with you one of the most beautiful prayers I have ever seen regarding fear. It was written by Saint Francis de Sales, but I believe the promises it includes are not just for the saints, they are for you and me, too. Thank you Donna M. for sharing this with me.

“Do not look forward in fear ... Read More

A whisper of truth that hits me hard: I would still rather have people tell me how great I am than tell me how great God is. At what point do we love God so much that we give up our egos? Please tell me it’s coming soon…

John the Baptist knew he was only on earth to prepare the way ... Read More

“Let us never forget the battles that have been fought for us, before us.” – Pastor Stephanie Tollefson

God, how many times a day do I fall off the path that leads to You? Help me to stay on track. When I’m tempted to do what is easy, but wrong, remind me why I choose to follow you. When it feels like the enemy is taking me over, save me. Please. You are so good, God. Thank you ... Read More

Many of us – including me – take our biggest blessings for granted. Not only do I overlook everyday blessings, but I am quite often ungrateful for the biggest gifts in my life.

Instead of being grateful for the ability to hear my rambunctious boys, I tell them to be quiet.

Instead of being grateful for the ability to see my daughter’s ... Read More

I want to walk through this day freely forgiving people who hurt me, because I know how often I hurt others and need their forgiveness.

“Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” -Matthew 6:12