Katie Carter is the executive director of the Susan G Komen branch in Columbus, Ohio, where she leads a team of people motivated to ending breast cancer forever. She often finds inspiring stories of kindness when planning her community’s Race for the Cure, which is the largest run for breast cancer awareness in the country. … Read More
Megan Murphy thinks kindness rocks! She is the creator of the national movement, The Kindness Rocks Project, which encourages people to leave rocks painted with inspiring messages along the path of life. You can see just how much impact she’s made when looking up #TheKindnessRocksProject. Learn more about how to join the movement at http://thekindnessrocksproject.com.
Chad McGehee works with the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin to teach mindfulness to people of all ages. He uses a teaching approach that incorporates findings from modern neuroscience and encourages kindness. His group’s groundbreaking research is being used across the country, from teachers to police officers to the producers of … Read More
Tara Cousineau, PhD. is a researcher, mother and kindness warrior. Her book, The Kindness Cure, combines wisdom, stories and science to explore the power of kindness. You can reach out to Tara on Twitter @taracousphd and find out more about her book at taracousineau.com.
Do you know what you’re making for dinner tonight? Nicole talks with speaker and retreat leader Sue Donaldson about her book, Come to My Table. The book offers more than just cooking and party planning advice but also talks about the real reason we would want to invite people to our tables. You can connect … Read More
James David can make people’s mouths drop in an instant, but his real magic is getting people to connect and be kind to one another. His “meaning magic” inspires, informs and motivates his audience members while he entertains them. You can find out more about James and his soon-to-be-released book on emotional intelligence and team … Read More
Krysten Case designs jewelry to make a difference. A portion of every sale goes to an organization in Columbus, Ohio called Doma International/Freedom a la Cart which provides a new start to survivors of human trafficking. Her jewelry, much like the women being helped through her efforts, can be described as beautifully unique. You can … Read More
Speaker, mother, podcaster and radio host, Lisa Williams has shared her thoughts about life from behind a mic since 1990. Lisa’s voice may sound familiar to you. She joined the nationally broadcast klove morning show in 2009. Now she’s branched out on her own with help from Cure International and is producing her own podcast … Read More
Global kindness expert Gabriella van Rij has dared people across the world to be kind. The speaker, author and researcher has taught others about cultural awareness and acceptance, as well as spreading the importance of being kind in every aspect of life. You can find her @GabiellavanRij.
Author and columnist Shaunti Feldhahn has made a career helping people with their lives and relationships. Her newest book, The Kindness Challenge, claims only 30 days of kindness can lead to improving even the most difficult relationships. You can connect with Shaunti on social media @ShauntiFeldhahn and learn more about her book at jointhekindnesschallenge.com